
In the past 3 months I have...

been given a raise. aged an entire year. been told to shut up on more than one occasion. made dinner. had dinner made for me. read parts of several books. not finished a book. lied, because I finished "Full Dark, No Stars". lied some more. worn jeans that have widening holes. not thrown said pair of jeans away because they feel too damn good.

written numerous words. written excerpts from 10 possible stories. decided that 10 possible stories is worth next to nothing. downloaded music from iTunes. listened to a lot of music. gone for walks. wished the weather would get colder. worked. worked. worked. worked. worked.

had a white russian or two or three or 10. purchased "In Rainbows" just so I could intermix the tracks with "Ok, Computer" and make one fantasmic album of Radiohead genius. opened presents. talked on the phone. hung up on someone. not gotten sick.

cussed at drivers I passed. wished that whoever planned road construction in this state would die in a fire. fought for the sake of fighting. bitten my nails. dreamed some pretty messed up dreams. been told I will probably be killed by someone. been told I will kill someone.

watched several movies. rearranged the furniture in my bedroom at least 4 times. played World of Warcraft more than I probably should. tried to find my ps2 controller so I can relive the awesome storytelling that is Digital Devil Saga Parts 1 and 2. found said ps2 controller in the closet. not yet relived the awesome storytelling that is DDS 1 and 2. blamed WoW for my lack of playing any other truly better video game in my arsenal.

written no other blog entries, save for this one. exchanged e-mails on the daily. bought the soundtrack to "Black Swan" because Clint Mansell is amazing. worked. worked. worked.

not done anything worth mentioning.

ps: the cake is a lie. and so is your face.

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