


KYLE: Do you think she’s in Heaven?

MARK: What? You mean Jenny?

KYLE: Yes.

MARK: No. No fuckin’ way. Not her.

KYLE: Mark, how can you-

MARK: First off, she was the biggest goddamn slut in the entire state. She fuckin’ spread her legs for any prick or dick lookin’ to get wet. God, from my understanding, doesn’t look so good on those that are sluts.

KYLE: She was your girlfriend Mark. You love her. Why are you talking like that?

MARK: Don’t be such a faggot. I’m just speaking the truth. And most often, I’ve found, the truth bites balls.

MARK: Besides, I don’t believe in Heaven anyway. You can’t be in a place that doesn’t exist.

KYLE: (silence)

MARK: Look Kyle, that’s where most people go wrong. They get so pent up and full of these stupid emotions and ideas while wasting time trying to figure out just what it all means. We try to make sense of something, like what happened to Jenny, and say shit like: “Oh it’s God’s plan” and “it was His time for her” and other bullshit. Here is the truth: There is no fucking God. No pearly, gold street Heaven, no burning Hell. There’s here and now. There’s this life and that’s all there is. Sometimes things just happen because they just. fucking. happen. No mystical, spiritual shit. Just life. And the sooner everyone opens their eyes and accepts this truth…, well, the more fucking honest we can be with one another.

KYLE: Says the guy with the cameras following him around. Says the guy with the scripts and the careful editing of his “so-called life”.

MARK: Hey, that’s different.

KYLE: Yeah, how so?

MARK: I’ve accepted the truth. I acknowledge that there’s no higher power or greater purpose to life than whatever fuckin’ pretty, cutesy label we decide to slap on it. There’s no rule that says I can’t use everyone else and their ignorance to make my life better.

KYLE: That’s pretty sad, you know? I like to think that there is something else out there, someone else out there. Or, at least some place we go after we die. To make up for all the horrible things that happen to us here. I like to think that somewhere out there, in space or Heaven or…wherever, Jenny is happy and living better than she did here.

MARK: Jenny’s dead. Gone. Nothing more. What’s really sad about all this, is that I never knew you were such a fuckin’ sheep.

KYLE: Yeah. That’s me. A sheep. Bah, bah, bah.

MARK: I feel sorry for you dude. Life is gonna chew you up, boil you down, chomp on your bones and shit you out in a puddle of crap. You better wizen up to the truth as I see it. Things will go better for you. Trust me. You might even get to cash in on it.

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