
Day 4: Write about your closest friend(s)


I’m using by blog to answer this one because I have this guilty feeling whenever I post rather lengthy text posts on Tumblr.  I don’t like the idea of hogging people’s dashboards.  Not too mention no one really reads something long.  Not that this post is going to be insanely long.  It might have been earlier today, when I gave a fuck about things.  But now I’m buzzed, a little sleepy and ready to just get on with it.

My closest friend in the entirety of the planet that we live on in the solar system of space and heaven and Wally World and

My closest friend is Ryan.  We've been friends since 7th grade.  At first, we hated each other.  Like, bad.  We both found one another to be obnoxious and annoying.  He hated my weird, geekiness and probably my glasses.  I hated his smug, “I know everything” sort of attitude.  Somehow we ended up the best of friends.

We share a lot of the same interests; from video games and movies, to tv, music and politics.  We have a lot of the same though processes and compliment each other nicely.  We’ve definitely been through some shit over the years.  I did very, very, VERY wrong to him a couple years back, but our friendship survived.  It was pretty rocky for a year or so, but in the end we came out alright.  He’s married and has a daughter (another one due in August).  He moved to New Mexico going on two years ago.  Lately we haven’t really talked as much as we used it.  It does make me feel…sad.  I hate the thought of “out of sight, out of mind”…  At any rate, I try to visit him as often as I can.  I was just there for a week this past January and it was a blast.  Just like old times.

That’s really it.  You know you have yourself a soulfriend when you can go without talking for a month or two and then, when you see each other, you can pick up right where you left off.  Like nothing happened.  That’s us.  And I love him dearly.  He’s pretty much my other brother.

Another close friend would be my “work wife”, Diana.  We have this interesting relationship.  We don’t have too much in common, though we do both love really attractive men.  She’s a year older than I am, married and has two really adorable  boys.  The story of how she and her husband came to be is touching and almost makes me believe that it’s all worth it.  Sometimes Smile with tongue out

She and I get a long (for the most part) pretty swimmingly.  We play off one another, trading jokes and saying things that would get anyone else fired for sexual harassment.  We share personal stories about our relationships, give one another advice and just support each other through shit.  We don’t always see eye-to-eye or always get along (or always get one another), but in the end our friendship is a strong one.  I know she will always be there for me, even when she moves away this summer.  I will always be there for her too, though I don’t think she always believes that.  Then again, with my track record I don’t blame her.

And then there is my sister.  She’s almost two years younger than me, but we grew up pretty close and a strong friendship resulted from that.  Again, we don’t always get along (sibling fights are a must, after all), but she is the only one in my family to vocalize her acceptance of my sexuality and that there is nothing wrong with it.  Sometimes we don’t like going out with one another because we look nothing alike and sometimes people will mistake us for a couple.  No good.  Nooooo good.


Katie.  We met back in high school and I thought she was kind of pretentious at first.  Which is what I think most people think of me too.  We bonded in Chemistry, ditched our respective third periods on a daily basis for Egg McMuffins and conversation.  She supplied my addiction to Mountain Dew and smart, quirky talk and I…gave her someone to laugh at and rides to places.  We’ve grown apart over the years (totally my fault) and I miss her.  We hang out once every great while and I love it when we do.  If I wasn’t so damn anti-social most nights I’d be asking her to do stuff.

Fox.  Met this guy back in exile in Michigan in 2007.  He’s hot.  He’s funny.  He’s a total man whore.  He’s smart.  He paints.  He tried to sleep with me (or I him, I don’t recall……) and I’m glad we didn’t.  I think it would have ruined the long-distance friendship we share.  Fox St. John, you are a dirty, dirty boy.

Conner.  We’re not best friends, and I think that has more to do with time and space than lack of interest or effort.  Plus, the guy knows a shit ton of people so I could see how easy it could be to get lost in the fold.  Regardless, he’s a really awesome guy.  Funny, quirky, smart and cute.  A good kisser too.  And a sucker for wine, fires and good music.

Trina.  You’re my best friend’s wife.  I won’t lie, there was a period of time I resented the relationship you have with Ryan.  There was a time, when it got serious between you two and you got married and all, that I wished you had never shown up.  That it was still the two of us against the world, facing it down the barrel of a gun, waiting to dodge another bullet or get totally fucked up.  Of course now I know you were one of the best things to have ever happened to him.  You tempered out some of his more irrational ways and have helped mold him into the awesome joe that he is now.  Plus you’re sweet and caring and have put up with more than your fair share of my shit.  You’re a good friend and I miss talking to you.

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