
Welcome back Mr. McCarthy

Let me just say that US Representative Peter King (R-NY) is a complete and total gasbag. He’s chairs the House Committee on Homeland Security, which has recently started holding hearings into the radicalization of American-Muslims.

This whole thing just SCREAMS of the House Un-American Activities Committee and the Red Scare days of Senator Joseph McCarthy. Seriously, what the hell is the point of these kinds of hearings?

It’s one thing to investigate possible threats to your country. I get that. Being safe is good and all, but at what cost? Furthermore, why limit the scope of such a committee to the Muslim community? Yes, extremist Muslims performed horrific acts of terror. Let’s not kid ourselves though, Christian extremists are just as bad. Extremists of any sort aren’t usually a good thing.

You have psychopathic, ignorant members of the Westboro Baptist Church who mentally and emotionally terrorize the family and friends of fallen soldiers who had been fighting in a war that should never have been waged, all because of their misguided, narrow-minded view that America is accepting and promoting homosexuality. (Last time I checked, while not Uganda or the like, America isn’t exactly the inclusive, accepting haven of the gay community).

You have organizations like the Klu Klux Klan that have been terrorizing minority communities for decades, and for what? Because they weren’t born white? You have people like Timothy McVeigh and Charles Manson who weren’t Muslim but still managed to incite chaos and destruction. Where’s the committee to investigate people like that?

This is Islamaphobia. A center-right, “religious” nation that balks at any sort of culture that might challenge the ideals that this country was founded on. This is the result of a political party that has become dominated by a vast wing of religious nutbags who can’t seem to accept the division of church and state. A group that wishes to see a singular way of living and thinking brought into law.

Ugh. I get irritated and pissy just thinking about it. Aren’t there other things we should be focusing on right now? This is just a huge waste of tax-payer monies. What the hell is going to come from this? What is the outcome? Are we going to ban Muslims? Are we going to pass more laws that limit our personal freedoms in the name of “security”?

Here’s something to think about. The top three most crime-ridden cities in the US: Detroit, Flint and St. Louis. How about you direct your energies into investigating why that is and how to stop it. Make an effort to do something practical and, I dunno, benefit the country as a whole instead of pandering to your close-minded base.

Our economy is in the tank. Let’s work on that.

Oh that’s right. Poor people and minorities don’t vote for you anyway, so why would you care?

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